Powerful: Advent Day 6

POWERFUL Is the book of Judith in your Bible? Not all traditions consider it part of the canon, so you may or may not find it in your Bible when you go to look for it. If it’s not there,……

Prepare: Advent Day 3

PREPARE You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies: you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5 We’re three days into Advent. Are you feeling the pressure of Christmas preparations? I hope not…….

There Is Still A Vision

This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on October 6, 2019. It’s based on Habakkuk 1:1-4; 2:1-4 and 2 Timothy 1:1-14. If you’d prefer to listen to it, find it at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson/.   Habakkuk……


I’ve been spending time recently in the psalms of lament. What a gift: the assurance that we’re not alone in our doubts and fears; the permission to express even our anger toward God; words to pray, and to sing, when……

I’m Ready

This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on August 11, 2019. It’s based on Psalm 33:12-22 and Luke 12:32-40. If you’d prefer to listen to it, find it at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson/. Psalm 33:12-22 12Happy is……

Hidden Treasure

This sermon was preached on August 4, 2019 at Canoe Ridge Lutheran Church, Decorah, Iowa for our annual outdoor worship service. This year’s liturgy focused on the land. Every sermon feels like a work in progress, but this one even……

Who Can Understand the Human Heart?

This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on March 3, 2019. It’s based on Jeremiah 17:5-10 and Luke 9:28-36. If you’d prefer to listen to it, find it at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson/.   Jeremiah 17:5-10 5Thus……


Listen to this song at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson.




I want a gentle rain that comes in time to nourish life.

I want a soothing word that whispers truth without a fight.

I want the journey’s end to be so clear we cannot stray.

I want to know your love, the length, the depth, the breadth, the height…


But instead it’s storming.

And I don’t know which way to go.

Are you here beside me?

I want to trust you’ll lead me home.


I need grace tangible: fresh baked bread and warming wine.

I need your word to claim: You are my precious, lovely child.

I need your promise kept: I am with you. You are mine.

I need to know your peace, the brokenhearted reconciled.


But instead it’s storming.

And I don’t know which way to go.

Are you here beside me?

I want to trust you’ll lead me home.


I know I’m not alone. You’re not going anywhere.

I know what’s broken now will be made whole and beautiful.

I know that death is real, but it will never be the end.

I know the song goes on and dancing feet are powerful.


So we sing through the storming

Until we know the way to go.

You’re right here beside me.

And when you’re with me I am home.

Wounded Clay

Listen to this song at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson.


Wounded Clay


Sun-draped trees stretch toward your hand.

The river knows its way to you.

The bluffs rise up to frame your sky.

The wind proclaims your love is true.



You sustain the weary with a word,

climb beside us on the uphill way,

speak peace into our anxious hearts,

breathe life into this wounded clay.


Sorrow softens at your voice.

Anger’s held in your embrace.

Fear’s frightful grip loses its strength.

Shame falters in the light of grace. Refrain


Raise us up to bring your life.

Lift us up to share your peace.

On this winding trail we trust

you will make war and worry cease. Refrain

Five Minute Friday: Where

I’m writing today’s post as part of the Five Minute Friday online writing community. Learn more here: http://fiveminutefriday.com/linkup/. This week’s writing prompt is WHERE. I’m finding myself wanting to spend time exploring various poetic forms, so that’s what I did……