Creating Rainbows

“I hope I don’t step on a snake.” This intrusive thought wrangles its way into my mind as I climb the steep ditch toward the field. The tall grass, laid low, crunches under my feet. I’m not wearing the right……

An Update on Advent 2022

Dear friends, I cannot believe today is the first day of Advent. Since 2018, I’ve been offering daily reflections during the season of Advent. This year, I’m attempting something new. If you’re still interested in hearing from me daily during……

Blessed Are We

This sermon for Holy Trinity Sunday was inspired by a beautiful blessing in Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie and draws on the following lectionary texts for this day:   Proverbs 8:1-4,……

It All Adds Up

Dear friends, It is a strange thing–after 18 years of parish ministry–to not be leading a community through Holy Week this year. I did, however, have the opportunity to preach during chapel at Wartburg Seminary yesterday. I offered what was……

Dear Mike

My brother, Mike, died at age 18 of a self-inflicted wound. Today is his birthday. He would have been 40.   Dear Mike, Another year. Another birthday without you here. When we left worship last night, the sunset greeted us……

A Dead(?) Philodendron & An Advent Invitation

You know it’s bad when you kill a philodendron. I mean, when I think philodendron, I think easiest-houseplant-in-the-universe-to-keep-alive. Right? This is the plant that can endure weeks of neglect and still bounce back pretty darn well. It’s why this spring,……

And the Winner Is…

…Tara! Congratulations, Tara! I hope you enjoy your prize! We’re very high tech over here. I wrote the names on slips of paper, put them in a bowl, and had Logan pull one out. Thanks, Logan! And thanks to all……

Motivating Memories

I’m starting my birthday right, watching the Boston Marathon and remembering my own marathon experience two years ago. To celebrate/deny my 40th birthday, I ran the Carmel (Indiana) Marathon on April 16, 2016. It was my first; I’m confident it……

Spring Cleaning

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.  –Psalm 51:10 It all started with a file I couldn’t find. Then, somewhere along the way, it became a spiritual exercise. Usually, though……