Words of Life

Today’s worship service, in its entirety, is available here: If you prefer to listen to the gospel reading and sermon, you may do so here: Today’s sermon is based on John 6:56-69. [Jesus said,] 56“Those who eat my flesh and……

Is Bad News the Only Kind?

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! May this good news for you, and for our world, fill you with hope in the midst of our unresolved story. You are so loved. Today’s worship service, in its entirety, may be……

Love Persevering

Dear friends, Today’s sermon turned out to be an Easter preview in the middle of Lent. Every Sunday is a celebration of the resurrection. Every day is a witness to God’s persevering love–especially in the midst of heartache. May you……

Where Were You When You Heard the News?

My heart is with yours this day, friends. Though we’re not together in person, we are most certainly together in spirit. It was such a joy to collaborate with several other area congregations to offer an online Christmas Eve worship……

Enliven Us

Dear friends, I pray this finds you well. I apologize for the delay this week. Here is Sunday’s worship service in its entirety. We are now singing three pieces of Ben Splichal Larson’s liturgy, “Behold, I Make All Things New.”……

Harassed and Helpless

Dear friends, It’s good to be back with you this week. I continue to pray for you. Whatever you’re experiencing this day, I pray you know you’re not alone. Here is this Sunday’s worship service in its entirety: If you’d……

Fear AND Great Joy

God is faithful. In the midst of deepest night for this beloved world, God gives blessing. Alongside our weeping, joy sings out with strength and surrender: Easter is here.   Alleluia! Christ is risen. Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!  ……

The Slender Thread

Dear friends, I’ve never known such a surreal time. Sundays are especially difficult to grasp. Still, the Spirit of God is at work in powerful ways. As overwhelmed as I am at times by fear and loss, I am also……

You Will Live

Dear friends, I pray this finds you well. My heart is with yours. And God is holding you close, holding you together. I woke up this morning from a vivid dream that speaks to my grief these days. You can……

Do Not Be Afraid

This sermon was preached at St. John and Hauge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on February 23, 2020. It’s based on Matthew 17:1-9. If you’d prefer to listen to it, find it at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson.   Matthew 17:1-9 1Jesus took with him……