With Courage

Dear friends, As we enter into Holy Week together, may God be our strength and our song, the source of all courage and compassion. Today’s worship service, in its entirety, may be viewed here: If you’d prefer to listen to……

What Good Does Anger Do?

Dear friends, I pray, in the midst of the struggle, there are countless joys lifting your spirits. I give thanks to God for you and for the abundant grace God showers upon us as we walk this Lenten road together…….

See: Advent Day 10

SEE I’m turning to the psalms again today. Psalm 10 begins with a challenging question of God: Why, O Lord, do you stand far off? Why do your hide yourself in times of trouble? The psalmist recites the actions of……

Awake: Advent Day 1

This is the first of what will be a series of daily posts for the season of Advent. The theme each day will be based on the 2019 Advent Photo-a-Day Challenge by Rethink Church. Learn more at http://www.rethinkchurch.org. I encourage……

Justice: Advent Day 4

Image is of quotations hanging in the Iowa State Capitol: Courageous confidence in the intelligence of the community is the sure sign of leadership and success (G.W. Curtis) and  The ideal state – that in which an injury done to……