Weddings, Wine, and the One in Whom We Trust

January 19, 2025 2nd Sunday after Epiphany   Isaiah 62:1-5 For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her vindication shines out like the dawn and her salvation like a burning……

Give Us a Blessing!

This sermon was preached at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Decorah, Iowa on October 16, 2022. It’s based on the assigned readings for this day: Genesis 32:22-31 The same night [Jacob] got up and took his two wives, his two maids,……

Blessed Are We

This sermon for Holy Trinity Sunday was inspired by a beautiful blessing in Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie and draws on the following lectionary texts for this day:   Proverbs 8:1-4,……

Words of Life

Today’s worship service, in its entirety, is available here: If you prefer to listen to the gospel reading and sermon, you may do so here: Today’s sermon is based on John 6:56-69. [Jesus said,] 56“Those who eat my flesh and……

The Thread Holds

Today’s worship service, in its entirety, may be viewed here: If you’d prefer to listen to the gospel reading and sermon, you may do so here: Today’s sermon  is based on Psalm 34:1-9 and Luke 1:46-55. Psalm 34:1-9 I will……

Revive Us

Dear friends, This week, I’m inviting you into conversation about the most urgent–yet unmet–needs in your community. What would you name? Please let me know. I’m eager to dream together about the church’s role in meeting those unmet needs in……

You Will Live

Dear friends, I hadn’t realized, or had forgotten somewhere along the way, that there is an alternate First Reading for the Day of Pentecost. This year, I needed that reading from Ezekiel, and I pray that it will inspire you……

All in All

Dear friends, There are moments that reveal–sometimes after a whole lot of wrestling–what is really at the heart of everything for you. I had one of those moments this week…and I landed in the arms of this world’s Savior. I……

In Trust, We Rise

Dear friends, I’m grateful for the 50 days of Easter. I need the persistent, beyond-one-day reminder that there is new life rising in the midst of the death that assails us. I pray that you are experiencing God’s faithful presence……

Is Bad News the Only Kind?

Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! May this good news for you, and for our world, fill you with hope in the midst of our unresolved story. You are so loved. Today’s worship service, in its entirety, may be……