Punch in the Gut

This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on February 16, 2020. It’s based on Matthew 5:21-37, which is incorporated into the body of the sermon.  I’m grateful to Melissa Bills for sharing Debie Thomas’……


This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on  February 2, 2020. It’s based on Micah 6:1-8 and Matthew 5:1-12. If you’d prefer to listen to it, find it at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson.   Micah 6:1-8 1Hear……

Real Fish

This sermon was preached at Glenwood Lutheran Church on January 26, 2020. It’s based on Matthew 4:12-23. If you’d prefer to listen to it, find it at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson. I’m indebted to Pastor John Hagberg for his notes on this text and……

Singing through the Night

This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on January 12, 2020. If you’d prefer to listen to it, find it at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson/. In worship, we both celebrated the Baptism of Our Lord and marked……


This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on January 5, 2020. It’s based on two of the assigned readings for the Day of Epiphany: Ephesians 3:1-12 and Matthew 2:1-12. If you’d prefer to listen……

Our Songs Renew

This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on December 29, 2019. It’s based on Isaiah 63:7-9; Hebrews 2:10-18; Matthew 2:13-23 and was preached as part of our 5th Sunday hymn sing. If you’d prefer……

Restore Us, O God

This sermon was preached at Canoe Ridge Lutheran Church and Aase Haugen Home, Decorah, Iowa on December 15, 2019. Those following the lectionary will note that it’s based on texts for the 4th Sunday of Advent: Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 and……

Here Is Your God

This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on December 8, 2019. Those following the lectionary will notice that it’s based on the Advent 3A texts: Isaiah 35:1-10 and Matthew 11:2-11. If you’d prefer to……

How Are You?

This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa on December 1, 2019. For those following the lectionary, you’ll notice this sermon is actually based on the Advent 2 texts: Isaiah 11:1-10 and Matthew 3:1-12.  If……

God Provides

This sermon was preached at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Churches, Decorah, Iowa as part of our annual Thankoffering Worship Services. It’s based on Exodus 17:1-7. If you’d prefer to listen to it, find it at https://soundcloud.com/stacey-nalean-carlson/. If you’re interested……