
If silence is golden
what is conversation?
In a sacred space,
framed by trustworthy trees,
stories shared, sighs received
flow like the river, muddied and deep,
carrying us into futures
rife with questions
ripe with gratitude.
If the trees are (l)eavesdropping,
let me say this:
Thank you.

By Heart

Cold wind’s nimble fingers strum
Golden stalks in setting sun
It’s a song I know by heart
This is home

Sing of patience and release
Sing your prayers and cries for peace
Sing the song you know by heart
You are home

When the harvest notes are played
We will dance on unafraid
To a song we know by heart
We are home

Pay Attention

What does it cost to pay attention?
Spend fifteen minutes or fifteen years…
You’ll sacrifice distance for depth,
pace for beauty,
achievement (perhaps) for being fully alive.
And it will be worth it,
a purchase you won’t regret,
as the world transforms under your gaze,
revealing the resilience for which you cried,
the hope for which you hungered.



I had begun to think this couldn’t be redeemed.

God brought me to my senses among the trees.


I know love ought to be enough.

What more is there, really?

But in the face of the struggle

love seems insufficient,

not enough to bring

but far too much to carry.


How can it feel so small

and so weighty

all at once?


So, I’m asking you, can I just bring the E?

the Embrace? the Encouragement?

the Empathy? the Emptiness?

Can I count on you for the rest?

the LOV?

and maybe even some more of that E?


Is this what it means to be part of the body?

Bringing what I can, being what I am,

trusting the rest is there in you?


I know the answer.

Of course I do.

And on the good days I believe it.

Even the Evergreens

Even the evergreens

security midst the winter storms,

refuse to be unchangeable.

Warmed by spring sun

they burst forth new life.

Dulled by dry years

they bend to drought.

Rooted, yet responsive…

Steady, yet yielding…

So may we be.

With Gratitude for Spring (and Maybe Winter Too)

Would perpetual green awaken in me this awe?

Would perpetual growth inspire such appreciation?


Spring has put out the welcome mat

Anticipated, awaited

But still surprising.


Would I greet her with such joy if I didn’t know Winter?

April Snow

Buried promise

Breath held

Anticipation muted


A welcome overstayed

Pushing patience


Is there life even here?


Hidden, furtive

Green, growing

Even here

Even now

The Autumn Soul

With each breath, expanding gratitude.

Praise the creating one, the leading one, the loving one.

Fallen leaves cushion the way, singing their freedom song.



Fear not.

The autumn soul is not (as it may seem) dry and disconnected

But bravely yielding to transforming grace.

September Sabbath Keeping

Movement is grace

A body in motion reminds

All is not loss

Everything turning



We, too, propelled by hope