You Will Live
Dear friends, I hadn’t realized, or had forgotten somewhere along the way, that there is an alternate First Reading for the Day of Pentecost. This year, I needed that reading from Ezekiel, and I pray that it will inspire you……
searching for space, grounded in grace
Dear friends, I hadn’t realized, or had forgotten somewhere along the way, that there is an alternate First Reading for the Day of Pentecost. This year, I needed that reading from Ezekiel, and I pray that it will inspire you……
Dear friends, There are moments that reveal–sometimes after a whole lot of wrestling–what is really at the heart of everything for you. I had one of those moments this week…and I landed in the arms of this world’s Savior. I……
Dear friends, I am so grateful for the gift of life in community. Or, drawing on today’s gospel reading, I am so grateful for the gift of life on the vine. I give thanks to God for you! Today’s worship……