Greater: Advent Day 13


I resist today’s word, because to use it seems to be asking for trouble.

I could say, for example, that dark chocolate is greater than milk chocolate, and I probably wouldn’t offend too many people. Although, maybe more folks than I know are ready and waiting to defend their preferred chocolate.

But what if I say Star Wars is greater than Star Trek? Am I stepping on toes now? What if I say Iowa is greater than Iowa State? Now we’re getting into hot water.

I may have an opinion about whether A or B is greater in any given situation, but my opinion isn’t universal truth. I could even make a persuasive argument about A being greater than B, but there would always be someone who could make just as persuasive an argument for B being greater than A.

So then what? We argue about whether A or B is greater? We argue about which argument is greater? We argue about which person presenting the argument is greater?


And then there’s this too: the comparison game destroys me every single time. I’m feeling good about ______ (fill-in-the-blank) until I see what someone else has done. They’re obviously greater. Why should I even bother?

Greater is a judgment born of comparison. If you’re greater, then I’m not. Why can’t we both just experience joy in being who we are?

Okay. End of rant.

Here’s the deal.

There’s one judgment born of comparison that I can totally get behind. There’s one use of the word greater that actually brings me comfort and courage. Take a look at The Message version of 1 John 3:18-20:

Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. And by this we will know that we are from the truth and will reassure our hearts before him whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.

Has your heart condemned you lately? Mine sure has.

My heart tells me I’ll never be forgiven for the hurt I’ve caused in the lives of others. My heart tells me I can’t do it (whatever it is on any given day) as well as others so I’d be better off giving up. My heart tells me I’m broken beyond repair.

How has your heart tried to condemn you?

Those lies don’t get to define you. Those lies don’t get to ruin your day or keep you awake at night.

God is greater than your heart. God knows the truth of who you are–a truth grounded not in comparison but in God’s creation. You were created in God’s own image. You were born of love. God has gone to the very depths of hell for you, to free you from condemnation. God is, this very day, healing your broken heart with a love great enough for all the world to live in hope.



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